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  • Akshay Bhardwaj

Tennis elbow, Golfer's elbow & Plantar fasciitis

Updated: Jan 3, 2021

The inflammatory conditions at various parts of the body which can be a constant nag in your daily life. Some of the common examples include Tennis Elbow, Golfer's Elbow & Plantar fasciitis.

These encompass inflammatory musculoskeletal conditions which result in pain which may be mild & nagging to severe debilitating pain. Etiology involves local inflammation at specific sites in the body.

Tennis elbow is inflammation at lateral epicondyle/outside portion of the elbow, Golfer's elbow involves inflammation at medial epicondyle/inner portion of the elbow & Plantar fasciitis involves inflammation of the fascia of the heel.

Diagnosis is generally made from history and examination and often no investigations are required. Treatment is usually conservative and includes rest, bracing (elbow bracing/silicone heel pads) ice packs & oral anti-inflammatory drugs.

If the condition is not resolving or is deteriorating with the conservative measures, local anti-inflammatory injections are prescribed. These routinely involve local cortisone/corticosteroid injections which have proven benefits on case to case basis.

If the cortisone injections do not provide adequate relief or provide relief only for a small time, newer PRP(Platelet rich plasma) injections may be tried and have been found to be immensely beneficial.

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